Friday, January 9, 2009

Email Marketing Service for Small Business

BY tyasjetra IN 6 comments

Nowadays, using an online marketing for your business has become one of the most effective and efficient way to promote your company’s products or services. The huge number of internet user from all over the world can be your company customer.

To catch the potential customer in the internet, the first thing you have to do is using the email marketing service. is one of the best email marketing services in the world providing email marketing software you can use to promote your company website and maintain your existing customer relation.

They provide over 300 pre made templates of professional email marketing messages, so you can just drop in your text as you want. With the complete feature as an enterprise-level email marketing service, and affordable price, iContact is the perfect choice for a small business starting with email marketing.


  1. jobsnya lancar ya mbak.syukur deh :D

  2. Makasih infonya ya

  3. apaan yah ini?? g paham....

  4. wah,....selalu ceria dgn jobnya......hmmmm. hepi n succs

  5. bahasa inggrisnya cas cis cus ya mbak.. :D mau deh bisa begitu..


i hate spammers....