Tuesday, December 2, 2008

How Many Credit Cards We Should Have?

BY tyasjetra IN , , 14 comments

Applying for credit cards is not such a difficult matter nowadays. People now can get approval quickly and easily from many credit card issuers from all over the world. But, with all these easy service to get a credit card, should we accept every offering from credit card issuers that usually reach us by phone? Imagine how much credit cards we will possess if we accept those all offers.

Having credit cards for most people, especially they who can’t manage how to use their credit card wisely will only make them selves trapped in huge credit card debts. As credit cards holders, or as a person who wants to apply for credit card for the first time, or who want to add the number of credit cards they have, we have to know and learn about any credit card information we can get.

Some people might have many credit cards in their wallet, but we must remember, the fewer cards we have, the easier it will be for us to keep track of them. So, what is an ideal amount of credit cards we should have? What will happen if we only make the minimum payment every month? Those all questions will get answers if you visit extracreditcards.com. This site will really help us to find lots of information related to Credit Card world. They provide reviews about any types of credit cards. This information surely will help us to make a decision what kind of credit card we actually need.

Trust me, no other place we should go before applying any Credit Card, extracreditcards.com is the best one.


  1. Wah mbak Tyas, sampe sekarang aku belum tertarik punya kartu kredit. Biarpun temen temenku bilang aku ini kuno, gpp lah. Soalnya sampe sekarang lebih senang bayar cash. Kalau gak ada duitnya ya gak beli.

  2. wah aku pake credit card malah jadi banyak utang hehehe... soalnya jadi pengin gesek terus :D

  3. cukup 2 saja....!
    (looh kok jadi kayak iklan KB) hahaha

  4. salam kenal mba,kalau menurutku punya kartu kredit sih sah2 saja,tapi kudu harus di pergunakan sebaik2nya biar ngga banyak2 geseknya he he he

  5. Waahhhh... Saya mencium postingan ini bernilai $10 nieh kyknya.. Hehehehehe....

  6. Credit Card boleh-boleh aja tapi kalo buat hal yang urgent, tapi kalo buat konsumtif keenakan malah gak bisa bayar, trus dikejar-kejar colektor, wah kalo udah gitu mendingan Mati Aja Loe

  7. aku juga sm ama erik...gak suka pake kartu kredit, takut banyak utang....daripada gak kebayar mending gak usah beli klo gak punya uang heheheheh....

  8. wah pasti ene repiu yah......wah mbake yahud...te o peh......

  9. lancar neh jobnya :D

  10. aku sama dengan mas erik, mendingan debet mba..biarkata deh..yah jadi acuan juga biar nabung makin banyak, nggak ada uang, ya kudu nabung n kerja keras, nggak ngutang gtu...hehe

  11. Kartu kredit bukan dari banyaknya, tapi bagaimana kita manage pengeluaran dgn kartu kredit itu. Kadang2 aku punya kartu kredit krn banyak penawaran yg menguntungkan, misalnya cicilan 12 bulan tanpa bunga dll... apalagi klo makan di restoran2 favorit dgn potongan harga s/d 50%... he he he... semangat deh...

  12. Mba tyas...kebetulan saya mau buka creditcard buat account paypal...sekalian mo' coba nyari dollar dari blogging..he..he..
    thank's very much for this info...I like this article...I'm go be there..

  13. wah reviewnya pake trust me nehh... mbake, saya gk punya credit card... takut kebanyakan utang kwkw

  14. Belum punya sampai sekarang... Lha wong, takut jadi banyak ngutang. Hehehe...
    Tapi kemarin tertarik juga pas ada tawaran menarik di selularshop (maaf yah sebut merk, gak papa deh), ada credit card yang ngasih cicilan 0% dengan harga yang jatuhnya lebih rendah daripada beli tunai.
    Hiks... kalau udah begitu, rugi deh gak punya credit card. Padahal experia lho handphonenya.... Kan lumayan tuh kalo dicicil 6 bulan. :(


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