Friday, December 19, 2008

Beautiful Mailbox in Your House

BY tyasjetra IN , 9 comments

Have you ever have the problem with accepting mail in your house? Some times Mr. Postman just throws the mail in front of our door and if we don’t ‘save it quick, it can get dirty or wet in rainy day. To avoid this, having a mailbox in your front yard is such a good decision. is the popular site you must visit if you want to purchase high quality residential and commercial mailboxes. If you live in apartment with many people living on it, there should be multi unit mail boxes there to help the postman and everyone lives there accepting their own mails.

You can choose mail box you want from many beautiful collection of mailboxes in this site. Just look at the Gaines Deluxe Mailbox Packages they have. Don’t they look stylish and beautiful? You wish to receive letters from your secret admirer? Get the mailbox in your house first!


  1. cantik banget kotak posnya

  2. hmmmm halaman rumahku mesti luas kalo mau narok kotak pos kayak gitu ....
    lucuuuunaaa ^^

  3. wah... kalo di kampungku ada kotak surat kyk gitu dah dinakali anak2 kecil hehe...

  4. wah...poin 100 deh review site.nya...wkkk

  5. Tips dariku, bikin mailbox dari bahan kayu jangan logam semisal besi, seng, aluminum dll karena sore di pasang bisa2 paginya dah bablas di ambil paksa ma pemulung :D

  6. Mbake ene laris manis repiunya......tapi mail box nya bagus banget.......lutunya......andai mailbox di hp bisa berbentuk gt.....*loh.....opo toh*

  7. wwaaah goood kotak pos nya tuh co2k engga ya klo di pasang di rmhku..

  8. Very true. I wish there was a separate mailbox for junk mail though.... we can call it a garbage can. Seriously, we get so much junk that our mailbox is always full...
    Nice blog, by the way :-)

  9. another paid review job ya mbak..?


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