Monday, November 17, 2008

My special birthday party..

BY tyasjetra IN , , 12 comments

The New Year is coming. This means that in a moment I will celebrate my birthday. Yes, my birthday is on December the 31st. New Year eve! I planned to make the birthday party in the house. I will only invite several relatives and the close friend to eat dinner together.

Arranging a party is not an easy thing for me. I am the type of person who doesn’t want to be bothered to think about matters to make the party in the house. Usually I hired party organizer to arrange the party for me. But for my birthday this time, I want to make the special party although it will only be held in the house. I want to plan and prepare the party myself.

Yesterday when I was browsing the internet, I found an amazing site. This site gives many party ideas that I've been looking for. Ideas of party themes, decorations, cake recipes for the party, until tips that very useful to make a party can be found here.

Now, I have no need to worry about birthday party I will make. The brilliant party ideas found in I suggest you to visit fabulous this site, too. Make your fantastic party for your family and your friends with interesting party ideas from


  1. Mbak Tyas...saya mau ikutan party dooong *ndaftar jadi close relative duuunk* (^^,) Beneran ultahnya tgl 31 Desember????

  2. wekekeke ... I know this kind of posting ;)

    makan makan :D

  3. Aku kan teman dekat.... Juga di undang ya...:)
    (Emang siapa looo...) Mgkin itu yang ada di hati mbak.. :D

  4. Mbak tyas.. Saya juga ikutan donk..

  5. Smoga sukses dan mengesankan ya Mba' Tyas acara ultah tahun ini pastinya special banget.
    Ucapannya entar aja biar lebih afdhol he..

  6. wahhh party2 yakkk....ajak2 dong...

  7. wah pasti seru nih... dah dipersiapkan dari sekarang.... :)

  8. Ngundang artis ibukota mbak, biar seru

  9. Pas Malam Tahun Baru dong, wah .... kudoakan saja dari sekarang ah biar panjang umur, banyak rejeki, awet muda, banyak teman, punya anak2 shaleh, kel;uarga bahagia and langgeng (apa lagi ya?).

  10. ini salah satu nya ya? *sedikit understand nih mbak*

  11. ealah kirain party beneran, wes mau ndaftar ak mbak, kali ajah butuh tukang poto, tibake.. ;)
    sukses deh ripiunya, moga makin lancar ajah job-nya, hehehe

  12. omm mbak e tgl 31 ultahnya.......*packing bom buat mbak tyas*.........


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