Thursday, October 16, 2008

All about credit cards in Extra Credit

BY tyasjetra IN 12 comments

Do you want to apply for credit card? If you want to do it, you better visit first. Through this website you will know how to use credit card wisely.

Many people trapped in huge debt and hard to release themselves from it, because they can not use their credit card smartly. Of course you don't want to be one of them aren't you?

As a credit card holder, you should find out a lot of information about the credit card you have, such as the interest, the facilities, annual fee and many more. You should know about how they (credit card issuer and merchant) work also, so you wouldn't be trapped in a debt problem.

How many credit card you should have? What will happen if you always pay with minimum payment only? All those questions will get the best answers in

If you are going to apply for credit card, of course you will choose the card that will give you more benefits. give you several choices of credit card so you can make comparation one to another. You will know what credit card that will match with what you need.

In this website, you can apply credit card from credit card issuer that cooperate with It's very easy and efficient, isn't it?

No doubt, is the right place for you to visit before you apply for credit card.


  1. wew. Dah meningkat ngrepiw pake english rek mbakyuku....

  2. Wah, emang CC bikin kita jadi konsumtif gak karuan... mending punya 1 atau maks. 2 aja biar pengeluaran bisa di kontrol ya...
    Kadang2 penawaran dari CC emang bisa bikin kita tergiur.

  3. iki mesti ben entuk duid yo mbak?

  4. sekedar komen gak penting, pingin ngisruh aja, sebab ndak ngerti artine, huahahahahaha
    ane bukan orang inggeris, ndak oleh nesuuuuu

  5. ternyata jago juga nyari dolar :D

    Btw, ini ada PR buat Tyas, tolong diperiksa ya disini :)

  6. wah aku mumet gak ngerti bhs inggris :((

  7. waduh bu.... napa gak diumptein di readmore backlinknya... ntr pas upadte PR bisa dijitaknya ampe benjol bu... make readmore model baru aja bu... itu tuh yang no refresh...

  8. bunda takut keasyikan belanja kalo kebanyakan cc... haaaaa..ibu-ibu..

  9. Bingung....
    Kagak ngerti bahasa inggris mbak, heheee...

  10. Senang sekali liat postingan ini disini. Sukses terus Mbak Tyas ;)

  11. iihhhhh emang yang namanya kredit kard neh bikin bangkrut... bunganye itu lohhh, terus annual fee nya...makanya di usahakan bgt kredit kard maksimal punya 2 aja deh... hehehe
    biar gak panik kalo belanja gesek-gosok aja...

  12. ampun..... gak ngerti bahasa inggris.....


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