Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fighting Cellulite

BY tyasjetra IN , , 11 comments

Weight loss may decrease the severity of cellulite for some women. "Approximately 85 percent of women are affected by cellulite," said John Kitzmiller, MD, ASPS (American Society of Plastic Surgeons) Member Surgeon.

The study examined 29 women who enrolled in medically supervised weight loss programs including low-fat meals, liquid diets, medication, and bariatric surgery. Seventeen patients experienced an improvement in the appearance of their cellulite, while 9 worsened.

But now, we don't have to worry about cellulite anymore. Acai berry is the answer. The medical profession takes the full advantage of the acai berry benefits. Whole grain goods containing acai berry products, oats and barley all contribute in the battle against the build up of cellulite. Continuous programs help to reduce the build up of cellulite. Now, you can easily say good bye to cellulite.


  1. pasti tertamaxxxxx, wew jobnya lancar, nunggu traktirannya aja, hehehehe

  2. mbak.. gambar selulitnya kok papan hehehe... cdnya diiket kemana tuh :D

  3. I lost 13 lbs in only two weeks by obeying this one easy rule

  4. warna CD-nya bukan wana favorit neh, ups.....

  5. wah itu pic na mbak tyas yah......langsing euy...

  6. mbak Tyas gambarnya kurang zoom out nih :mrgreen:

  7. Gambarnya kurang ke tengah mbak.. he he he

  8. itu gambar mbak tyas bukan mbak? kok nggak putih? hehe

  9. hi can you pls give me details about where to buy it from jakarta? i'll be there 2 weeks from now and am really in need to buy acai and colon cleanser. thanks a lot

  10. When having a fight with cellulite you nedd some real anti cellulite weapons.


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