Friday, November 28, 2008

Go Green with Norsteel

BY tyasjetra IN , 8 comments

Let's save the earth! That is a popular slogan we used to hear in the last few years. And it's continued with Go Green slogan in every aspect of life, including foods, home and office equipments, and also the infrastructures.

Many building developers now consider about Green Building in their projects. Sustainable Buildings Design or Green Building is designed with the purpose of positively impacting on the environment, reducing the impact of carbon footprint from the building on the environment.

Norsteel Building, Canada is your source for Pre-engineered Steel Buildings. This is the best place for everyone who wants to build some Green Buildings, since steel is a natural choice, when choosing materials for green building projects.

Just visit their website or call the customer service to discuss your green building project, and get the fast and professional from Norsteel Building.


  1. Too bad, there is no such service in Indonesia

  2. Makasih ya mbak infonya.
    Kalau di indonesia sudah buka cabangnya belum?

  3. pertama: seneng juga sekarang blob ini makin cepet di load di kompiku, hehe...*wus-wus*

    kedua: nih artikel jadi inget filem wall-e, robot kucel yg habisin hidupnya untuk bikin bumi green-lagi.

    ketiga, : met weekend mbak...kapan2 ada waktu cobain seberapa kecanduannya anda pada blog? di rumahku ya ya ya..

  4. yang penting implementasinya kan?

  5. makin rajin aja nih ^^ hehehe mumpung dollar lagi naek yaaaa :D

  6. makin sukses nih kayaknya, saluuuttt mbak

  7. let's save the earth!

  8. so far away from canada... yes..., better to use steel than use woods as material to build our home.. I like that much...!


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