Thursday, February 26, 2009

Light Fixtures for Your House

BY tyasjetra IN , 1 comment

Do you know that changing your house style can be done only by changing the lighting of your house? Lighting is more than just to brighten up your house, but also give it the exclusive style. My parents’ house has the vintage style. All the furniture is Victorian vintage, but the style has been look stronger since my mum added the vintage style lamp for the living room.

The chandeliers look so elegant hanging in that room. My mum also added other light fixtures for the dining room and terrace. Those really make such a beautiful impression for the house. So, if you want to change the style of your house, besides changing the furniture, try to pay attention for your home lighting.

1 comment:

  1. laris manis yap mbak ning.seep deh,sukses terus yap mbak ning


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