Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Change Your Style with Eyeglasses

BY tyasjetra IN , 9 comments

eyeglassesYou have changed your hair style, you also now wearing a beautiful art nail, what else you need to do to change your style? Have you considered about wearing stylish eyeglasses? I did that, and it really makes big changes in my appearance.

I bought beautiful Prescription eyeglasses for only $8! Look at the frame design, so chic and stylish. I bought it in my favorite online store, Zenni Optical, the popular eyeglasses online store recommended by New York Times. Zenni Optical in the New York Times?! Of course, where else we can buy cheap eyeglasses with fabulous design and high quality material except in Zenni? Now, Seeing Straight Without Breaking Bank is possible with Zenni Optical.


  1. jadi komentator pertama ah, moga aja gak keduluan ngetik ama yg pas kampanye sunset policy kemarin kan ke optik juga..malah ditawarin ganti kacamata..rodenstock 3 juta..duit dari mana PNS kok mau beli kacamata semahal itu..

  2. its a good eye glasses for us.and thank you for share this info (ehem-ehem ngintip isi dompetnya mbak ning ah)

  3. It is really nice looking frame ... kok bisa sech harganya semurah itu ?. masak sih

  4. Baru pake kacamata nih, memang mahal juga harga kacamata

  5. emang kalo pake kaca mata bisa nambah keren, cantik, kaya mbake! pa kabar mbak yu?

  6. blum tentu bro...

    buktinya kuda juga pake' kacamata kok tetep aj gk keren2,cantik????


  7. kayaknya berbau repiu neh hehe

  8. Emang begitu, kalo biasanya ga make, tiba2x ada yg nangkring, memberikan kesan beda. Terutama kalo kacamata. Apalagi kalo sunglasses, pake item di malam hari, bisa dikirain orang buta. Hihihi ...


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