Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weight Loss and Healthy Living

BY tyasjetra IN 13 comments

Everyone has his or her favorite weight loss programs to pass along to anyone who will listen or pay. The question is, do these all program really work?

If you really want to lose weight, you have to prepare yourself to make many changes in your life. It takes work, hard work! It will take a series of steps, lifestyle changes and healthy living choices.

Herbalife Gewichtskontrolle with ShapeWorks program, the revolutionary new personalized weight loss program is one of the best program of healthy diet that encourage you to eat an amount of protein that is matched to the protein needs of your body. It also helps you build and maintain lean muscle, which burn calories and helps keep your metabolic rate up.

Weight loss and healthy living is absolutely not a one time, quick fix. It is a journey, a lifestyle change for the better. Herbalife Gewichtskontrolle will help you get what you want, weight loss and healthy body.


  1. ahaaaa... thanks for your info tapi budhe dah cukup langsing kok he..

  2. laris manissssssss hehehehe sambil nunggu ditraktir mbak ning nih.

  3. Menurunkan berat badan memang perlu diiukuti oleh pola makan, istirahat dan hidup yang sehat. ide yang menarik...

  4. cocok nih sepertinya buat saya yang sedikit ndut...

  5. Hemmm, kalau aku jadi seperti apa yah... sekarang saja sudah sangat thin. And I wonder how...

  6. wah,,kayanya aku dah langsing bgt nih mbak hehehe,,, :P

  7. hmmmm.... makin banyak aja ya program beginian..
    saya malah lagi pengen cari cara buat ninggiin
    and ngegemukin berat badan tunangan saya mbak..
    kalo ada infonya yg pas, asik, dan murah..
    kabar2i yaa.. salam kenal.. makasiiiih... :D

  8. pokoknya kalo aku ke jakarta..tyas kudu bin harus traktir..kekeke

  9. dengan menurunkan berat badan maka pundi2 paypal akan semakin gemuk..betul tidak? betulll

  10. jangan di turunin,ntar kan rugi...he..he..

  11. ini yang saya tunngu2, pingin langsing!!!!!!!!!

  12. huaaa aku butuh ini tapi pasti biaya muahaalll deh hehehe jadi ya wis biarin aja deh, slow aja kali ye:p

  13. SBnya eror ya... adel lagi seneng mandi bola nich.. seharian tadi ngemall makasih ya Tante...


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