Thursday, January 29, 2009

Beautiful Toenail

BY tyasjetra IN 16 comments

nail treatmentAll nail salons has been offering a special service not just for finger nails and hands care, but also for your feet and toe nails. This procedure is called pedicure and is applied similar to the manicure procedure with its own special features, because foot skin has different characteristics. Toe nails grow very slowly and have a coarser structure than finger nails. Toe nails should be well-attended and beautiful as well as finger nails, especially in the summer time when women prefer to wear open shoes.

Thing that can make your toenail look unattractive is Toenail Fungus. Toenail fungus, is a relatively common condition that disfigures and sometimes destroys the nail. Toenails are more likely to be affected by fungus since it is attracted to a dark and damp environment which is more common on the foot than on the hand. In more severe conditions, affected nails can have a yellowish or brownish discoloration.

If you are experiencing this condition, you better go to your doctor to get appropriate Toenail Fungus Treatment. Now there are many Nail Fungus Treatment offered to cure the Nail Fungus problem. You just need to choose which Toe Fungus Treatment is the best for the condition you have.

Get clean and healthy toenails and you can confidently walk wearing your sexy stiletto.


  1. numpang comment supaya bisa dapat traktiran..cring cring asikkk uhuyyy

  2. seelamat pagi, selamat beraktivitas, semoga sukses....

  3. semakin matep aja mbak ke! tinggal tunggu traktiranya! heheh btw, mbak ke sendiri ada d jkt apa jogya? saya dah di sgp lagi

  4. kakinya tyas ya...hmmm.
    Nice,..n u'r job

  5. waaah.. ni cewek banget yak... hmm...
    oia mbak.. tau obat buat ngegemukin yg paling ampuh gak? klo gak salah sih da saya tanyain kmrn degh, hehe..
    oia, mslh cara manual mempercepat firefox, selama ini saya coba gak pernah ada masalah kok mbak.. silakan dicoba aja dulu.. :D

  6. menjadi cantik luar dalam memang membutuhkan usaha ya mbak.

  7. wahh,,pantes mbak tyas bisa cantik kaya gini...
    perawatannya intens sih, sampe ke bagian kaki juga hehehe,, kidding mbak,,, :P

  8. whew my finger nail bad all...he...he...

  9. Yang jd model kakinya siapa mbak?

  10. wah kaki siapa tuh mba, pantes mba tyas suka ngurus kuku yah jadi indah dech....

  11. wah disini senang disitu senang,ditunggu ehem-ehemnya

  12. aku punya peralatan meni pedi lengkaap kaap di rumah....sampe nail mask jg ada, tapi suka males pakenya...kecuali paling sikat, nail clip, foot cream :).... udah deh beres hihihi

    yg ada semua perlengkapanku itu jadi project beauty classnya my 7 years old baby ;-)

  13. kuku kakinya rapih euy......

  14. Really you have posted very good information here.I really love it.

  15. Toenail fungus is not easy to be cured, so you must take some steps to prevent it.


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